The museum is in the Falcon Centre, Falcon Terrace, Wylam, NE41 8EE. It is next to and has the same
hours as Wylam Library – Tue/Thu am/pm and every other Sat am (see here for details). No charge.
Puffing Billy in Wylam in the 1860s Wylam Dill in Craghead in the in 1880s
This is the Falcon Centre. It was the village school up till 1978. The County Council then established
the branch library in the building there plus spaces for community activities. The Parish Council
decided to lease one of the former classrooms as a railway museum. It opened on the exact day of
locally born railway pioneer George Stephenson’s 200th birthday, 9 June 1981.
This was a visit as part of a guided walk visit to the Railway Museum on 23 June 2024. Book on future
monthly walks on the National Trust web site – and see inside George Stephenson’s Birthplace too.